![[Early Bird - Up to 25% Off - Discount Display in Cart] Lung King Heen Lunar New Year Pudding with Coconut Milk 早鳥優惠 - 最高可達75折 - 折扣於結算時顯示 - 龍景軒傳統椰汁年糕](http://shopfourseasonshk.com/cdn/shop/files/LunarNewYearPuddingwithCoconutMilk_7ddd772b-d24e-4761-8085-44b73f32ede7.jpg?crop=center&height=160&v=1733370129&width=160)
[Early Bird - Up to 25% Off - Discount Display in Cart] Lung King Heen Lunar New Year Pudding with Coconut Milk 早鳥優惠 - 最高可達75折 - 折扣於結算時顯示 - 龍景軒傳統椰汁年糕
Remarks 備註 :
Now - December 29 Early Bird Discount 即日至12月29日早鳥優惠 -
15% off | 1-99 boxes | HK$467.5/ box |
16% off | 100 - 199 boxes | HK$462/ box |
17% off | 200 - 299 boxes | HK$456.5/ box |
20% off | 300 - 899 boxes | HK$440/ box |
25% off | 900 boxes or above | HK$412.5/ box |
Terms & Conditions:
The early bird promotion is only valid from now until December 29, 2024
- Please put a remark in 'Note for your order' upon checkout if you wish to pick up pudding voucher
- Item is available while stocks last
- Each email confirmation entitles the holder to redeem the purchased item
- Each email confirmation can only be used once and is not exchangeable for cash
- Email confirmation cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts and promotions
- Lost email confirmation will not be replaced nor its value refunded
- Purchased item is non-refundable and is not for re-sale or other commercial purposes
- Redemption of the purchased item is only valid on your selected pick up date from January 21 - 28, 2025. No extensions are allowed. Guests must present the email confirmation for the purchased items upon redemption. Original price will be charged in absence of the email confirmation
- The purchased item can be redeemed during above captioned period at the Cake Shop at the Hotel Lobby from 10am to 8pm at the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong
- 72 hours advance purchase is required
- No delivery is available for this product
- In case of any dispute, the decision of Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong shall be final
- For inquiries and orders, please contact Cake Shop at (852) 3196 8708 from 10am to 7pm or email shop.hkg@fourseasons.com
- 早鳥優惠2024年12月29日前適用
- 如需領取賀年糕點換領劵, 請於付款前在'Note for your order'欄標示
- 貨品數量有限, 售完即止
- 電子郵件確認持有人可憑郵件確認兌換已購買的指定貨品
- 每張電子確認郵件只能使用一次及不可兌換現金
- 每張電子確認郵件不可與其他優惠同時使用
- 遺失的電子確認郵件將不予補發, 也不會退還其價值
- 已購買的貨品不可退款,也不可轉售或用於其他商業用途
- 電子確認郵件只適用於2025年1月21日至28日你所選取的日期當天兌換已購買的貨品,並不可延期。兌換禮券時必須出示電子確認郵件作憑證,如未能出示電子確認郵件, 須以正價付款
- 閣下可於上述日期內的上午10時至晚上8時期間,到香港四季酒店大堂的餅店領取已購買的貨品
- 此貨品需要提前最少72小時訂購
- 此貨品不設送貨
- 如有任何爭議,香港四季酒店保留最終決定權
- 如有任何查詢或預訂,請於上午10時至晚上7時期間致電(852) 3196 8708或電郵至 shop.hkg@fourseasons.com與節日櫃檯團隊聯絡
[Early Bird - Up to 25% Off - Discount Display in Cart] Lung King Heen Lunar New Year Pudding with Coconut Milk 早鳥優惠 - 最高可達75折 - 折扣於結算時顯示 - 龍景軒傳統椰汁年糕
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