20% Savings - Lunch Buffet for 1 Person at Gallery (Sat, Sun & Public Holidays) 8折 - Gallery 自助午餐 (1 位用 - 週六、週日及公眾假期)
20% Savings - Lunch Buffet for 1 Person at Gallery (Monday to Friday, exclude Public Holidays) 8折 - Gallery 自助午餐 (1 位用 - 週一至週五; 公眾假期除外)
90-min Transformative Bodywork with Richard Girolami for 1 person; 90分鐘Richard Girolami「身心療癒工作坊」 (1人)
April 11 - 1 hour 45 mins Full Moon Floating Sound Bath 1小時45分鐘滿月頌缽音療體驗