Easter Carrot Cake 檸檬酒慕斯胡蘿蔔蛋糕
Terms & Conditions:
The item is suggested to be consumed on the day of pickup for the best experience
- The email confirmation entitles the holder to redeem the purchased item.
Email confirmation must be presented upon pickup/ redemption
Confirmation email is valid for one-time redemption and only valid from April 14 to April 21, 2025 (on selected pickup date)
The purchased item can be redeemed at the Cake Shop on the Lobby Level from 11am to 8pm at the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong only
24 hours advanced purchase is required. Please call 3196 8159 or email cakeshop.hongkong@fourseasons.com for any enquiries
The email confirmation cannot be exchanged for cash, or any other products, vouchers or services
Purchased item is non-refundable and is not for re-sale or commercial purposes
Product images are for illustrative purposes only and may differ from the actual product. Due to differences in screens, colours of products may also appear different to those shown on the site
This redemption is valid only at the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong
- In case of any disputes, the decision of Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong shall be final
- For inquiries and orders, please contact Cake Shop at 3196 8159 from 10am to 8pm or email cakeshop.hongkong@fourseasons.com
- 為確保最佳體驗,建議於領取當天享用此產品
- 電子郵件確認持有人可憑郵件確認兌換或領取蛋糕和糕點
- 兌換或領取蛋糕和糕點時請出示郵件確認
- 確認電子郵件僅可用於一次兌換,並且僅在指定日期 4月14日至4月21日 (您的領取日期) 有效
- 賓客可於每日上午11時至晚上8時期間在香港四季酒店大堂樓層的餅店領取蛋糕和糕點
- 蛋糕和糕點需要提前24小時訂購,如有任何查詢,請致電3196 8159 或發電子郵件至cakeshop.hongkong@fourseasons.com
- 電子郵件確認不能兌換現金,任何其他產品或服務以及任何禮品券
- 商品不可退款,也不可用於轉售或其他商業目的
- 產品圖像僅用於說明目的,可能與實際產品有所不同。 由於顯示器的差異,產品的顏色可能也會與實際產品的顏色有所不同
- 此兌換只適用於香港四季酒店
- 如有任何爭議,四季酒店保留最終決定權
- 如有任何查詢或預訂,請於上午10時至晚上8時期間致電3196 8159或電郵至cakeshop.hongkong@fourseasons.com 與餅店聯絡
Easter Carrot Cake 檸檬酒慕斯胡蘿蔔蛋糕
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