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Takeaway Afternoon Tea Set (Two persons) 雙人外賣下午茶



  • Foie Gras Parfait on Walnut Bread, Sour Cherry, Champagne Jelly
  • Pulled Pork Knuckles Wafer, Rice Vinegar and Soya Sauce, Kimchi
  • Japanese Egg and Green Tea Sando, Pickled Daikon, Caviar
  • Blue Prawn with White Toast, Sesame, Crustacean Mayo
  • 鴨肝醬合桃麵包伴酸車厘子、香檳啫喱
  • 手撕豬腿威化、米醋及醬油、韓式泡菜
  • 日式玉子綠茶三文治、醃蘿蔔配魚子醬
  • 藍蝦白多士伴芝麻、海鮮蛋黃醬


  • Veludo (Chocolate Velvet Cake)
  • Topas (Summer Verrine with Pineapple, Melon)
  • Hanabi (Yuzu, Strawberry, White Chocolate)
  • Citrus Baba (Orange Mikan, Amanatsu)
  • 朱古力絲絨蛋糕
  • 仲夏菠蘿蜜瓜慕絲奶凍
  • 柚子士多啤梨白朱古力
  • 日本金橘蜜柑意式酒浸蛋糕

Signature Scone

  • Four Seasons Scone with Homemade Forest Berries Jam,
    Physalis-Apricot Jam and Devonshire Cream
  • 四季鬆餅配自家製野莓果醬、燈籠果杏桃醬及傳統英式忌 

Terms & Conditions:

  • The item is suggested to be consumed on the day of pickup for the best experience
  • The email confirmation entitles the holder to redeem the purchased item 
  • Email confirmation must be presented upon pickup/ redemption
  • Confirmation email is valid for one-time redemption and only valid on the specified date (your pickup date)
  • The purchased item can be redeemed at the Cake Shop on the Lobby Level from 11am to 8pm at the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong only
  • 24 hours advance purchase is required. Please call via 3196 8159 or email for any enquiries
  • The email confirmation cannot be exchanged for cash, or any other products, vouchers or services
  • Purchased item is non-refundable and is not for resale or commercial purposes
  • Product images are for illustrative purposes only.
  • This redemption is valid only at the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong
  • In case of any disputes, the decision of Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong shall be final


  • 為確保最佳體驗,建議於領取當天享用此產品
  • 電子郵件確認持有人可憑郵件確認兌換或領取蛋糕和糕點
  • 兌換或領取蛋糕和糕點時請出示郵件確認
  • 確認電子郵件僅可用於一次兌換,並且僅在指定日期 (您的領取日期) 有效
  • 賓客可於每日上午11時至晚上8時期間在香港四季酒店大堂樓層的餅店領取蛋糕和糕點
  • 蛋糕和糕點需要提前24小時訂購,如有任何查詢,請致電3196 8159 或發電子郵件至
  • 電子郵件確認不能兌換現金,任何其他產品或服務以及任何禮品券
  • 商品不可退款,也不可用於轉售或其他商業目的
  • 產品圖像僅用於說明目的,可能與實際產品有所不同。 
  • 此兌換只適用於香港四季酒店
  • 如有任何爭議,四季酒店保留最終決定權

    Takeaway Afternoon Tea Set (Two persons) 雙人外賣下午茶
