Ultimate Hamper 頂級賀年禮盒
- 5 Heads South Africa Abalone 五頭南非鮑魚
- Lung King Heen Homemade XO Sauce 龍景軒秘製X.O.醬
- Lung King Heen Signature Tea 龍景軒精選茗茶
- Duck Foie Gras 優質鴨肝醬
- Dried Conpoy 優質元貝
- Pineapple Cake 鳳梨酥
- Premium Qinghai Goji Berries 青海優質乾杞子
- Superior Dried Black Moss 優質髮菜
- Four Seasons Chocolate Box (15 pcs) 四季朱古力禮盒 (15粒)
- 5 to 6 Heads Premium Dried Fish Maw 5 - 6頭特級花膠筒
- Blueberry and Cookies Nougat 藍莓曲奇杏仁軟糖
- Four Seasons Palmier 四季蝴蝶酥
- Biscuits Sable Diamant 法式沙布列鑽石曲奇
- Homemade Toasted Nuts 自家製雜錦果仁
- Guyue Longshan - Aged Shaoxing Huadiao Wine 20 Years 古越龍山 - 庫藏廿年陳紹興花雕酒
- Chateau Lascombes, Margaux 精選法國紅酒
- The Macallan 12 Years Whisky 精選蘇格蘭威士忌
Terms & Conditions:
- Item is available while stocks last
- Each email confirmation entitles the holder to redeem the purchased item
- Each email confirmation can only be used once and is not exchangeable for cash
- Email confirmation cannot be used in conjunction with other discounts and promotions
- Lost email confirmation will not be replaced nor its value refunded
- Purchased item is non-refundable and is not for re-sale or other commercial purposes
- Redemption of the purchased item is only valid on your selected pick up date from January 6 to February 4, 2025. No extensions are allowed. Guests must present the email confirmation for the purchased items upon redemption. Original price will be charged in absence of the email confirmation
- The purchased item can be redeemed at the Cake Shop located at the Lobby of Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong, from 11am to 7pm, during the stated period
- 72 hours advance purchase is required
- No delivery is available for this product
- In case of any dispute, the decision of Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong shall be final
- For inquiries and orders, please contact Cake Shop at (852) 3196 8708 from 10am to 7pm or email shop.hkg@fourseasons.com
- 貨品數量有限, 售完即止
- 電子郵件確認持有人可憑郵件確認兌換已購買的指定貨品
- 每張電子確認郵件只能使用一次及不可兌換現金
- 每張電子確認郵件不可與其他優惠同時使用
- 遺失的電子確認郵件將不予補發, 也不會退還其價值
- 已購買的貨品不可退款,也不可轉售或用於其他商業用途
- 電子確認郵件只適用於2025年1月6日至2月4日你所選取的日期當天兌換已購買的貨品,並不可延期。兌換禮券時必須出示電子確認郵件作憑證,如未能出示電子確認郵件, 須以正價付款
- 閣下可於上述日期內的上午11時至晚上7時期間,到香港四季酒店大堂的餅店領取已購買的貨品
- 此貨品需要提前最少72小時訂購
- 此貨品不設送貨
- 如有任何爭議,香港四季酒店保留最終決定權
- 如有任何查詢或預訂,請於上午10時至晚上7時期間致電(852) 3196 8708或電郵至 shop.hkg@fourseasons.com與節日櫃檯團隊聯絡
Ultimate Hamper 頂級賀年禮盒
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